She is suspicious of artists' tales about their development when they reach too far back into their early teenage years or even childhood. She thinks of it as a strategy to manifest the identity of a Real Artist. The suspicion is directed towards the reproduction of the idea of the existence of Real Artists. But not being free of envy for clear identifications, she directed the suspicion also towards herself. She just cannot remember anything that would identify herself as an artist. Autobiographical contextualisation for dramaturgy's sake; old, new and future works that mark her way in and out of art school; the Pig as a figure for contradictory (dis)identification, a character that returns.  

Johanna Lettmayer is an Austrian artist based in Norway. She graduated from the Master in Fine Arts Program in Bergen (2016) and has a diploma in art history from the University of Vienna. Instead of becoming a Real Artist, as she originally intended, she works with performance, text and Invisible Theatre. Her work provokes the question "How is this art?" - which she learned to accept and even appreciate. Recent activities include a lecture-performance at the Møllebyen Litteraturfestival, the publication of her book Capital L. L for Love (House of Foundation) and an artist residency in the Frans Masereel Centre for Printmaking in Belgium. She is the founder and curator of IN THE LIBRARY, a series of events in the Fine Art and Design Library of Bergen University.

visit Johanna Lettmayer's website here.