MA Fine Art writing tutor Daniela Cascella will read from her new book Singed. The reading will be followed by a conversation between Daniela and Alena Alexandrova.

A fire, and the effort to remember a lost song, open into a meditation on the transmission of knowledge and how to articulate words in front of different types of speechlessness. The space of writing appears in these pages as a material engagement with language which points at its excess; at sounds and voices; at the ephemeral and the untold which continue to puzzle and enchant, and prompt more writing. Sometimes, a form of outburst. A place for rebeginning. Sometimes a cadence, a rhythm, an arrangement. A convulsion in stillness.

Daniela Cascella is an Italian writer. She is the author of Singed. Muted Voice-Transmissions, After the Fire (Equus Press, 2017), F.M.R.L. Footnotes,Mirages, Refrains and Leftovers of Writing Sound (Zero Books, 2015), and En Abîme: Listening, Reading, Writing. An Archival Fiction (Zero Books, 2012). She edits Untranslated at Minor Literature[s] and has published on international magazines such as The Los Angeles Review of Books, Music and Literature, Gorse, Numéro Cinq, The Scofield, 3:AM Magazine.