Sunday, March 10th at 3:00 PM in Troldsalen: Grieg’s Unknown Songs
Grieg Academy’s vocal students Marie Malmedal and Julie Berg have delved into Grieg’s early songs, uncovering rarely performed gems which they will sing accompanied by Grieg Academy’s master student Marina Matsuoka on piano. Troldhaugen’s curator Monica Jangaard will present and tell the story.

Link to KODE’s event page

Wednesday, March 13th at 6:30 PM: Romantic Soundscapes
Concert featuring romantic and picturesque music by Schumann, Messiaen, and Korngold. Performers: Vilde Linnea Schøyen Lervik – obo, Katrine Lislevand Pavljuk – piano, Hertha Dahlgren – clarinet, Inga Bialach – violin, and Professor Torleif Torgersen – piano.

Link to Facebook event

Friday, March 15th at 12:00 PM: Startgropa
"Startgropa" is a project initiated by Gloppen Musikkfest, where young newly graduated classical musicians from Vestland come together for seminars, practice, and concert tours. The project is led by Audun Sandvik (cello) and Ida Klokk-Bryhn (viola).

Two Grieg Academy students will take part: Sergio Llorente (violin) and Julia Palmer (viola). Other participants: Maren Ohm Ballestad (violin), Marit Stangeby (cello), Norta Kacion (clarinet), Sigmund Skjerdrum Toppe (piano) and Emily Adomah Rimmereide Adjei (vocals).

Link to Facebook event

Friday, March 15th at 6:00 PM: Recorder Class Concert
Grieg Academy's recorder players Cristina Gerd Trulsen, Katerina Susova, and Jostein Gundersen (the latter being an instrumental teacher, as well as the vice-dean for research) will perform Renaissance and Baroque music by composers such as Antonio Vivaldi, Dario Castello, and Christopher Tye. In addition, Ines Maidre-Aarvik (harpsichord) and Jan "Honza" Voparil (violin) will participate.

Link to Facebook event

Tuesday, March 19th at 7:00 PM in the University Aula: Solidarity Concert for Gaza
The University of Bergen invites you to a support concert for humanitarian work among those affected by the war in Gaza. Admission to the concert is free, but there will be a fundraising campaign for the benefit of the Refugee Council in connection with the event. The concert program will feature a wide range of performances, with significant participation from Grieg Academy. 

Several piano soloists and chamber music ensembles will particaipate, as well as vocal students performing Grieg.  There will also be contributions from our jazz students, and associate professor Viggo Krüger (who is also an accompllished rock guitarist) will put together a band with colleagues and students from our Music Therapy departement. Author Frode Grytten is also part of the line-up for the evening, together with Pedro Carmin-Alvarez and Annlaug Børsheim. So is accordeonist/singer Gabriel Fliflet.

Link to event (
Link to Facebook event

Wednesday, March 20th at 6:00 PM: Sweet, Salty, and Sour! Accompanists' Evening
Five piano students from Grieg Academy specializing in accompaniment have teamed up with (almost) the entire vocal class of Grieg Academy, inviting you to a concert featuring an audience-friendly repertoire – familiar duets, hits, and classics sprinkled with more classical gems.

Thursday, March 21st at 6:00 PM at Bergen Public Library: House Concert – Mostly Mozart!
Professor Torleif Torgersen's piano students will perform works by W.A. Mozart – both solo pieces and excerpts from Piano Concerto No. 11 (with string quartet). The program will also include pieces by Grażyna Bacewicz and Frederic Chopin. Performers: Selina Loewen, Agnes Önnerstad, Sofie Haukland Weist, and Kristian Skår (all piano) + Bernhard Sekkelsten and Heidi Lyngholm (violin), Mona Sjøvaag (viola), and Karina Medvetska (cello).

Link to Facebook-event

Warmly welcome to all events!