This year we are (again) offering two concerts: one for classical and contemporary music and one with jazz, folk music and interdisciplinary projects. The date is Friday 25 August, and as usual, admission to both concerts is free. Here are the details:

Johanneskirken, Friday 25.08 at 20.00: Opening concert I

With i.a. string and wind ensembles, chamber choirs, experimental piano pieces and completely newly written works by the Grieg Academy's composition students. Music by i.a. Arvo Pärt, Leos Janacek, Ralph Vaughn Williams and John Adams, led by i.a. Trond Madsen, Knut Christian Jansson and Ricardo Odriozola. 

Landmark, Friday 25.08 at 22.00: Opening concert II

After the concert in St. John's Church, just head straight down the hill to Bergen Kunsthall and Landmark, where the jazz students at GA present what they have worked on during the project week. We also be a concert with folk music students from the Ole Bull Academy, and several short films produced by an interdisciplinary project at the Faculty of Art, Music and Design.