THE PROGRAM (in order):

Clarinet Concerto nº4 (WoO 20) - Louis Spohr

      I. Allegro vivace

      II. Larghetto

      III. Rondo al Espagnol

Dal Niente (Intérieur III)  - Helmut Lachenmann

Sonata per a Clarinet i Piano (Op. 46) - Salvador Brotons

      I. Moderate

      II. Recitative - Allegro ritmico


Adrià Torres Amorós (Spain, 23/10/1999) studied his music interpretation degree in CSMA —Music Academy of Aragón. There he had the opportunity to take part in relevant projects like Academia para la Nueva Música (Academy for the New Music), conducted by Nacho de Paz, his wind quintet Thiasos Enseble and some other chamber music projects under the guidance of Lluïsa Espigolé. He has received many lessons from many teachers, but the most influencial ones were Javier Uriel Gonzalo, José Luis Estellés, Romain Guyot, Andreas Sunden, Soo Young Lee and Yehuda Gilad. During his studies he made an exchange semester in The Estonian Academy of Music, where he got in touch with interdisciplinary performance activities such as Natural Plastic. He is part of the Ibiza Youth Orchestra as well as of Bergen Filharmoniske Ungdomorkester. Nowadays he is based in Bergen, where he studies his Master Degree in The Grieg Academy with Christian Stene as his main teacher. He has taken part in several music festivals such as the Old Ox Music Festival in Stockholm.