
Part 1: French highlights

Henri Dutilleux (1916-2013)
Sarabande et Cortège

Jarle Rotevatn – Piano

Camille Saint-Saëns (1835- 1921)
Sonate for bassoon and piano, Op.168:

     I. Allegretto moderat
     II. Allegro scherzando
     III. Molto adagio - Allegro moderato

Jarle Rotevatn – Piano


Part 2: Unexplored Depths

Henry Eccles (1670-1742)
Sonate no. 11 in G minor
     Corente: Stacato Alegro

Didrik Berg – Double bass
Benjamin Kallestein – Organ


Gerhard Deutschmann (1933-) and Terje Bjørn Lerstad (1955-)

From «Sonatas for bassoon and piano», DWV 133 Op.113
     I. Ruhig (Deutschmann)
     II. Scherzo: Allegro vivace (Lerstad)
     III. Etwas bewegt (Deutschmann) 
     IV. Lebhaft (Deutschmann)

Jarle Rotevatn – Piano


Gene Koshinski (1980-)
Get it! 

Stian Aase – Precussion


Part 3: Mature reflections

Johannes Byrkjeland (1993-)
Romance, Op. 5 for the bassoon quintet

Ricardo Odriozola – 1. Fiddle
Sergio Llorente – 2. Fiddle 
Julia Palmer – Viola
Johanna Saaek – Cello

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) 
Consert in Bb major for bassoon and orchestra, K. 191
     II. Andante ma adagio
     III.Rondo: Tempo di Menuetto 

Jarle Rotevatn – Piano

Thank you:
The everyone involved for having burdened themselves with a very demanding repertoire, especially those with enough faith in my music to want to help bring it to life. An extra thank you to Bergen's professional bassoon community Per, Jim, Jeff, Odd and Tony for generously sharing experiences with pipes, grips, practice and problem solving.