Valen trio performs Feldman's Trio

Time: Sunday 4. February, 19:30

Place: Bergen University Aula


People are kindly asked to TURN OFF their cellphones ahead of the performance

Valen trio will perform Morton Feldman`s Trio (1980) in the University Aula, and the audience are encouraged to bring a yoga mat to the performance.

Morton Feldman was one of the most adventurous American composers of the last century. His music transports the listener into new realms of musicals experience where time and memory interact in always new and surprising ways.

Morton Feldman: Trio (1980)

Valen trio:
Ricardo Odriozola, violin
John Ehde, cello
Einar Røttingen, piano

Duration: 90 Minutes 

Audience members are encouraged to bring a yoga mat to the performance, but there will of course also be chairs available for those who prefer this.

This concert is part of the Artistic Research Project Sounding Philosophy, and following the concert, there will be a conference at the Grieg Academy on Monday, February 5  in Prøvesalen: 14:30 - 17:30.

All events are free and open to the public.

About Valen trio
The trio started in 2009 and took its name after the Norwegian composer Fartein Valen. Besides playing trios from standard repertoire, the Valen Trio focuses on commissioning new works and highlighting lesser-known works from it 20th century. The trio's first CD from 2012 on the record label LAWO reflects this profile and contains works by Fartein Valen, Klaus Egge and Ketil Hvoslef, the latter commissioned by the Valen Trio. The CD has received rave reviews at home and abroad; Classic music magazine writes "An all-rounder outstanding CD, one of the best of its kind I have heard in a very long time" and Stavanger Aftenblad states that the CD "sets a new standard for one of the most important works in Valen's production - an outstanding publication of Norwegian chamber music!'.

Of international magazines Gramophone writes respectively and Fanfare "The players' ensemble and intonation are flawless and their understanding of each other and the repertoire highly impressive" and "they play Valen's rhythmic, energetic music with love and great attention to detail and with the stylistic knowledge that comes from a serious study of the composer and knowledge of the culture in which he worked.”