Amfi, MUNCH, Oslo
Presentation and panel
In English
Step free access

Join us in the Amfi at MUNCH at 5–6 pm Monday 9 October for a presentation of the archive by current chair of the board, Martina Petrelli, who since 2019 has developed the archive model, its illustrations and guidelines.
Following the presentation there is a panel discussion digging into issues and discussions pertaining to how to archive curatorial practices inside and outside of art institutions with Geir Haraldseth, member of the Association and Curator Department of Collection at The National Museum of Art, Architecture and Design, Oslo and Liv Bergaust, Head of Archives at MUNCH. Moderated by Anne Szefer Karlsen, member of the Association and Professor of Curatorial Practice, UiB.
Since the inception of the Association in 2011, we have collaboratively and tirelessly worked towards finding a viable archiving system for curators and curatorial practices. Finally, the day has come to make this work public!
This is truly an event where curators, archivist and librarians can come together to discuss the hardship of trying to archive curatorial practices. These are practices that are intrinsically temporary, perhaps experimental in their form, full of life and stories, and from a field that is notorious for producing ephemera and documentation in many different formats.
The Norwegian Association of Curators insist that exhibition- and curatorial histories are important to art history and aim to ensure that knowledge about practices and projects of yesterday and today will be available tomorrow.
The Curatorial Archive is a collective project where curators working in Norway, Sápmi and beyond contribute with their archives to a collection of documented curatorial practices. The Association’s aim is to collect, facilitate and present a wide range of curatorial processes, projects, texts, and other material for future research.
In order to do so, the Association has drawn up common guidelines for an archive model with the aim to collectively start building a rich curatorial archive. We are now asking for your contribution to the Curatorial Archive!
Please see more HERE
This launch is co-organised by the Norwegian Association of Curators and MA Curatorial Practice, Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, University of Bergen.
The Norwegian Association of Curators was founded on 11 March 2011. It is a national, independent organisation located in Oslo. The Association works to enhance the understanding of curatorial practice in Norway and to promote the legal and economic conditions of its members vis-à-vis public policymakers and cultural institutions.
MA Curatorial Practice at the University of Bergen is a two-year low residency, seminar-based education for ten professional curators working individually, in collectives or affiliated to institutions, willing to reflect on and translate their knowledge and practice, and learn from each other, to further deepen the work they do in different contexts.