For one week (20th – 26th May, 2024), students of the Master of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Art, Music and Design (KMD) of the University of Bergen will take over Bergen Kjøtt with "Big Teeth", the collaborative project that marks the end of their first year. Performances and events throughout the week will culminate in the opening of an art exhibition, open to the public from the 24th to 26th. 

"Big Teeth" is the result of three months of organizing by the students, guided by Bergen Kjøtt's director Eva Rowson and KMD's professor Tim Parry-Williams. With the aim to explore what it means to develop collaborative practices, the project allows for paintings, sculptures, installations and performances to flourish within Bergen Kjøtt's architecture, reflecting on its history and meaning to the city.  

During the week, the project will host an array of events, as well as performances during the weekend. On Monday, students will organize an event called "Åpen Dag På KMD", in which participants will take part in ironic health and safety courses, just like the ones given at KMD. On Wednesday, a pre-opening night will showcase the exhibition's production in progress, and will present a series of Happenings; performances, readings and film screenings. The Supplementary School Film Club (SSFC) will screen a film (TBD) on Thursday. On Friday the exhibition will officially open, whilst Saturday will be "Heavy Night", a night of open experimental heavy metal karaoke and danceoke. All events and entrance to the exhibition are free of charge, and more information can be found on Facebook.      

Emad Alwahib, Blessings Asiimwe, Odin Austefjord, Martha Engström Boij, Christine Bouché, Joey Bravo, Dorota Dziong, Nina Britta Eriksson, ODEE, Amund Gravdal, Loulou   Buxbom, Sara Lindberg Hansen, Ole-Kristian Joki Haukeberg, Thea Helle, Sissel Johansen, Kajebe Jacob Joshua, Martine Karlsen, Maya Kiehl, Olav Mathisen, Hannah McDonald, Sayeh Kazemi, Viola Nimuhamya, Henriette Mauritz Nordbeck, Collen Clever Orishaba, Maisen Klemp Pedersen, Line Poulsen, Mia Maria N. Robsahm, Lisa Rytterlund, August Sandberg, Johanna Sevholt, Clara Marques, Caroline Stampone, Namata Birungi Maria, Lingyu Zhao