The exhibition consists of a combination of colorful sculptures and exhibition architecture that in different ways make use of, and at the same time examine, abstraction in 3D modeling.

Secret Support  is a close study of translations between the digital and non-digital which takes place when a virtual shape is turned into a physical object. Their shapes are derived from the support structures that hold an object in place while being 3D printed, a structure which is automatically generated by a proprietary algorithm.

In the interactive sculpture series Holder, Øen Nordahl lets various YouTube instructors teach 3D modeling by using her sculptures as the object for the exercise. The exhibition architecture is created by enlarging small, geometric fragments of 3D scanned objects that have a dual role by also being shown in the exhibition as a series of jesmonite sculptures.
The exhibition has been curated by Randi Grov Berger in collaboration with Entrée. Read mote about the exhibition on the Entreè webpage.