Participating artists:
Dragoş Gheorghiu, Mihaela Montaianu, Eamon O’Kane, Elin Tanding Sørensen, Geir Harald Samuelsen, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Petro Cecilia Keene, Theodor Barth, Åsil Bøthun

Rhythm is everywhere. It is breath and heartbeat; it is the sound of a drum and the repetitive flint carved lines in stone done by a prehistoric human being in Fontainebleau. It is the flickering screen and a million digital processes too small to see. It is engraved in the depth of our minds and bodies. It is how we remember. It is in how we walk, how we talk, how we write, and we act together. 

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, rhythm (Greek rhythmos, derived from rhein, “to flow”) is an ordered alternation of contrasting elements, and according to Roland Barthes both painting and writing started with the same gesture, one which was neither figurative nor semantic, but simply rhythmic.

In this exhibition and seminar (6th of December 2022 at KMD) we approach rhythm through contemporary artistic and archaeological imagination starting with some engraved and painted lines drawn by our stone age ancestors in France and South Africa.  
A publication will be made in the aftermath of the two events.