What is Needed in the Corners by Runa Halleraker presents a site-specific installation of paint and textile, as well as other painterly works, exploring perspectives of needs, of the artist and the artwork, and blurring the distinction between what is often considered real and imaginary spaces. 

The exhibition follows Runa Halleraker’s residency at USF in the period of 2022/2023. Every year, the Art Academy of Fine Arts makes its studio at USF Verftet available free of charge for a student at the department who concludes a 3-year bachelor’s degree or 2-year master’s. 

Runa Halleraker (they/them, b. 1995 in Trondheim) lives and works in Bergen. Halleraker has their Bachelor (2020) and Master (2022) of Fine Arts from The Art Academy, University of Bergen, and has studied painting at Camberwell – University of Arts London (2019) and art photography at Norwegian School of Photography (2016). Previous exhibitions include CGP Gallery, London (2019), Färgfabriken, Stockholm (2020), Studio K, Kvernaland, Jæren (2021), Galleri Blunk, Trondheim (2021), Kiosken Studio, Bergen (2021), Bergen Kunsthall (2022), Galleri LNM, Oslo (2023). 

The project is supported by Arts Council Norway and Norwegian Visual Artists Fund