Seminar, Concert/Sound

Sonic Proximity: Studies in Interpersonal and Cross-cultural Encounters in the field of Sound

What, When, and Where: 

Presentations: 13:00–15:30, 4 October & 10:00–13:30, 5 October at KMD, Knut Knaus Auditorium, Møllendalsveien 61, 5009 Bergen 

Performances: 4 October, 19:00 - 23:00 at BEK, C. Sundtsg 55, 5004 Bergen

Welcome to the first seminar from the MSCA Postdoctoral Project 'Connecting Resonances' currently in progress at KMD, University of Bergen (2023 - 2026). The seminar is organised by Budhaditya Chattopadhyay (MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow, KMD, UiB), and developed and realised at KMD, UiB, in collaboration with BEK.

Recently, Peruvian scholar Marisol de la Cadena suggested in a talk that there is no singular world, or many discreet worlds - there are only connections and relations. Resonating with these relational dynamics and potentialities embedded in (co-)sounding and (co-)listening, this first seminar from the series of scholarly and artistic gatherings focuses on the topic of sonic relationality and confluence, engaging with thoughts and perspectives on sonic interactions across a diverse range of scenarios and experiences, from personal to collective, and from social to political.

The gathering examines interpersonal and cultural encounters in the field of sound and listening from a micro-scale (interpersonal exchanges through intimacies of listening) to a macro-scale (acoustic communication between key regions of a planetary society, e.g. between Global Norths and Global Souths). This wider range and scalability of the discourse aims to shed light on the fundamental issues in sonic exchanges, contributing to the studies of globalisation concerned with intercultural encounters and media technological transmissions between Global North and South as two-way processes of confluence, as well as the listening that unfolds between peoples impacted by the larger socio-political forces of co-sounding. The focus of this seminar, as the title suggests, is on networking in the context of (g-)local sound arts and experimental music scene and their situated discourses in Bergen, Norway. 

Program: Friday 4th October:

Session 1: 

1:00 pm: Budhaditya Chattopadhyay

1:30 pm: Feronia Wennborg

Tea/Coffee break: 2 - 2:15 pm

Session 2: 

2:15 pm: Jill Hallstead

2:45 - 3:15 pm: Frans Jacobi

Tea/Coffee break: 3:15 - 3:30 pm

Doors open: 6:45 pm
Performances: 7:00 - 11:30 pm

Feronia Wennborg
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
Nakul Krishnamurthy 

Program: Saturday 5th October:

Session 1: 

10:00 - 10:30 am: Trond Lossius 

10:30 - 11 am: Maria Papadomanolaki

Tea/Coffee break: 11 - 11:15 pm

Session 2: 

11:15 - 11:45 pm: Nakul Krishnamurthy

11:45 - 12:15 pm: Stas Shärifulla 

Roundup discussion: 12:15-12:30 pm