Photo: Dmitrii Shironosov, Colourbox

It is true that in any kind of performance or exhibition, the audience is participating, exactly by being an audience – listeners, spectators. But, in some works, the audience participates in a more ‘visible’ way. Sometimes, the work does depend on actions by the audience to happen. The audience can even be seen as… a performer!

This symposium brings a full day of talks, performances, artworks demonstrations, and discussions focused on music and sound art works which have the participation of audiences as essential part of their artistic concept.

Our guest speakers include scholars, composers, performers and sound artists who are among the leading figures on this topic.

This event is linked to the project music as an invitation – liveness in digital piano performances through participating audiences, a Marie Słodowska-Curie Postdoctoral research led by Késia Decoté, generously funded by the European Union.

You will find the full program on the projects webpage, and also a link to the registration form.

The symposium is free, but we ask kindly that attendants register for report purposes.