Humans of the Institution, 2017

Curatorial Practice

MA Curatorial Practice is created for professional curators. In addition to the MA, Curatorial Practice collaborate with partners to organise public seminars, lectures and other events dealing with curatorial practice in an expanded cultural field.

About MA Curatorial Practice

MA Curatorial Practice at the University of Bergen is a two-year low residency, seminar-based, no-tuition education for ten professional curators working individually, in collectives or affiliated to institutions, willing to reflect on and translate their knowledge and practice, and learn from each other, to further deepen the work they do in different contexts.

The Master's Programme in Curatorial Practice further deepens the curatorial practice of the students to navigate  and work in transdisciplinary and complex fields of art and culture.

The programme's target group includes curators, artists, mediators and other professionals with a background in related subjects such as art history, media studies and theatre studies.

The candidates should be eager to investigate and question their surroundings and professional contexts in order to create a discussion forum.

Students are not required to move to Bergen for this master's programme. The MA in Curatorial Practice is under revision. There may be changes to the structure of the programme.


Visit at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo, April 2016. Guided tour with artist Eline Mugaas and curator Ida Kierulf.


During the MA the participants take part in different workshops.



The MA candidates are required to develop, produce and contextualise one project each in a public context, with a responsibility to secure and develop the collaborations necessary to make this happen—with artists and other professionals, funding bodies, art institutions or other sites. There is an emphasis on sharing knowledge and debate within and beyond the group of candidates, thus the Faculty will fund a public seminar organised by the candidates in collaboration.

The programme consists of 16 seminars in total. A single seminar is five working days, a double seminar is 8–10 working days.

  • Semester 1 consists of two single and one double seminar.
  • Semester 2 consists of three single seminars and one individual study trip.
  • Semester 3 consists of two single and one double seminar.
  • Semester 4 consists of one single and one double seminar, as well as the final exam-seminar.

Some parts of the programme (typically the individual tutorials) will be conducted online.

MA Curatorial Practice on Instagram









Curatorial Practice is an active participant in the public life of the Faculty of Fine Art, Music and Design, and organise open seminars, lectures and other events – often collaborating with external partners.