My name is Josephine Boesen, I’m 29 years old. I have an MA in Art History from Aarhus University, I live in Odense (Denmark) and work in Aalborg at Kunsthal Nord. My primary interest is contemporary art and I love to experiment with curating in public space, lastly with my own independent exhibition platform Façade. We /my partner Thomas Plauborg and myself, opened our first exhibition within the concept, Façade x Fjordbyenon the 16thof September, 2021.
Kunsthal Nord is a contemporary art center located in Aalborgs old coal-fired power plant, that has been repurposed as a culture hub. Being an extraordinary space, exhibiting artist typically choose to work with site-specific installation and works that relate to our history and location. Kunsthal Nord is under the jurisdiction of the municipality so working within a local context is encouraged. I’m the project lead of our educational project Kunstpionererne, a two-year part-time education for young people (20 – 30 years) with a keen interest in curating and mediating contemporary art. The first group of students has just finished their final projects this summer, and I have been doing a lot of fundraising in order to continue the educational platform. It’s looking good but we are not quite there yet.
Currently, I am also working on a communal project with other curators and artist (some of my former students actually), called ‘Final 2022’ which will hopefully take place in Copenhagen, in summer 2022. Last but not least, I am a huge knitter and spend most of my spare time helping my mom run her newly opened yarn-dyeing studio. Also, my twin-sister is pregnant and will give birth in December, she is the first baby in the family, and we are so excited.