Bilde: Brandon LaBelle, Listening to the Body II, 2021

"Social Acoustics is an artistic research project addressing the ways in which sound and listening afford social and more-than-social processes and imaginaries.  The exhibition brings together participating artists and thinkers from the project to present works and to share in discussions. Conceptually, the exhibition is structured around the notion of the concert, elaborating the scene of live music as one of collaboration, cooperation, and entanglement. Social Acoustics integrates workshops, lectures and experimental modes of presentation, as a way of moving the concert off the stage and into a greater ecology of practices."

Deltakere: Jill Halstead & Brandon LaBelle med Beatrice Allegranti, Clara Allison, Doa Aly, Liz Barry, Lisa Busby, Késia Decoté, Ricarda Denzer, Rutger Hauser, Thomas Hilder, Soledad Marambio, Gentian Meikleham, Karin Mössler, Alex Reynolds, Wolfgang Schmid, James Webb, Karen Werner.
Fredag 12. august, klokken 18:00 – 21.00 utstillingsåpning 

Lørdag 13. august, klokken 19:30
Social Acoustics: Ricarda Denzer & Karen Werner

Fredag 19. august, klokken 19:30
Performance + film
Social Acoustics: Liz Barry, Thomas Hilder, Wolfgang Schmid, Jill Halstead & Soledad Marambio

Lørdag 20 . august, klokken 19:30
Performance + film
Social Acoustics: Doa Aly, Brandon LaBelle & Alex Reynolds

Fredag 26. august. klokken 19:30
Social Acoustics: Clara Allison

Lørdag  27. august, klokken 19:30
Social Acoustics: Rutger Hauser

Søndag 28. august, klokken 19:30
Social Acoustics: Lisa Busby & Jill Halstead

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