The cold feels funny on my face. My nose itches and my nostrils burn.
I'll think of little at first, then a lot.
Slowly it comes.
First, everything is numbed out by the weight of it all. I run out of breath too quickly. But after, it comes a bit at a time. Not everything at once like usual.
A bit at a time in the cold darkness.
View of Bergen.
Cigarette and hot chocolate.
Let go, bring it home. Stretch it out, beyond their old habits.
Let the loved become more than they were meant to be.
Push it onto the world. Let the boundaries bleed out. Let many become one.
Manoeuvre this thick opaque mist. Create as you go, know what is known.
Never bow down. It doesn't matter that you are clueless.
Small black furballs scurry around the tunnelscape of secondary social spaces.
Sewer lines, tunnel rides, train tubes, power cables, manholes, and waterways.
I want to be a rat.
Together without restraint, share the load. Bread and soul. As one we can exceed the limits of the unknown. Let me be like they are. Rat kings of the dark. Bundled up by the tail. Forever together with meaning in life.