All miniature artworks will be exhibited 12. March to 4. April 2024 in STUDIO (Joy) Forum.

2D works:
- Create a physical model, or
- Submit a jpg or PDF version

3D works:
- Create a physical model, or
- Scan the object with Scaniverse (free app) and submit the file

Performance works, etc.:
- Find a solution that suits your work!

Deliver physical miniatures (labeled with your name) to Eamon’s office on 4th Floor on Tuesday 27th Feb 11:00 AM-13.00

Send digital files to by March 1

Questions? Contact STUDIO’s student assistant Linda Convery Løvold (linda. or Professor Eamon O’Kane.

February 19 and 20: Model building workshops + intro to Sketchup, with food (vegetarian Thai curry): 18.00 in Painting practice (Painting and Drawing II 2nd floor KMD)

STUDIO is a KORO project at KMD that explores studio practice and work processes within art, music and design.

Microcosmos Galaxy/Gallaraxy is Linda Convery Løvold’s initiative for a rolling exhibition of student works in the KMD building.