Sunday 4. february 19.30 in Universitetsaulaen: Valen trio play Feldman
Valen trio, with  Ricardo Odriozola (violin), John Ehde (cello) and Einar Røttingen (piano) perform «Trio» by Morton Feldman (1926-87). The work is in one movement and lasts for approx. one and a half hour. The public is invited to listen to the work lying on the floor, or sitting on chairs. Yoga mats will be available, or you can bring your own. The concert is part of the Grieg Academy's professor of composition, Daniel Peter Biro's artistic research project "Sounding Philosophy".

Read more about the concert on our website

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Monday 5. february 19.30: Fidan Aghayeva-Edler, pianoThis concert is also part of Daniel Biro's "Sounding Philosophy" project. Pianist Fidan Aghayeva-Edler is a former Grieg Academy student, now living in Berlin. Her program is based on Morton Feldman's music, with works both he himself and his colleagues and students have written.

More about the concert on our websites. 

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In relation to these two concerts, there will also be hosted a seminar and a workshop at the Grieg Academy – Read more about the seminar Sounding Philosophy

Friday 9. february 19.30: Concert with the viola class
Welcome to a concert with the Grieg Academy's viola students: Sara Baier Evensen, Sebastian Goepel, Mona Sjøvaag and Julia Palmer play works by J.S. Bach, Bela Bartok, Frantz Schubert and William Walton. Turid Bakke Braut accompanies.

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Wednesday 14. february 18.00: Japanese concert
In collaboration with the Japanese studies programme at UiB, the Grieg Academy invites you to an evening of Japanese dance, song and music. We will be visited by two performers from Japan who will perform Japanese dance and music. In addition, students and staff from the Grieg Academy will perform music by Japanese composers such as Karen Tanaka, Takashi Yoshimatsu and Toru Takemitsu. Also, a singing group will be put together for the occasion, led by our Japanese master's student Marina Matsuoka. Welcome to a meeting with a rich and exciting culture!

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Thursday 15. february 19.00: Brass concert
The Grieg Academy's brass players invite you to a varied concert with music by, among others, Hubeau and Nordhagen. Performers: Annika van der Kooij (horn), Liisa Aagedal (trumpet), the Grieg Academy's tuba quartet and others. Jarle Rotevatn accompanies.

Friday 16. february 15: Orchestra Concert – Schubert and Kasberg Evensen
In week 7, the Grieg Academy carries out two ensemble projects, and the results are presented at this concert. BFO's assistant conductor Ingunn Korsgård Hagen leads the performance of Franz Schubert's Symphony No. 5, while the Grieg Academy's string teacher Ricardo Odriozola conducts Norwegian composer Bernt Kasberg Evensen's "Elegia" for clarinet and strings, with Christian Stene as soloist.

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Fredag 16. february 18.30: Early Music Concert
The Grieg Academy's students Christina Trulsen and Katerina Susova (recorders) and Irina Tarasova (harpsichord) are helped by geophysicist and gambist Julien Pooya Weihs at this concert, who, among other things, consists of music composed by the French Baroque composer Marin Marais. Possibly there will also appear a surprising element of fortepiano.

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Wednesday 21. february 19.00:
Clarinet Class Concert

The Grieg Academy's clarinet class invites you to a concert with music by, among others, W.A Mozart, Carl Maria von Weber, Jean Francaix and Jörg Widmann. Tor Erik Seime Pettersen accompanies on the piano.

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Thursday 22. february 18.00:
Unge Pianister i Bergen

Unge Pianister i Bergen (UPB) is a newly started association with the desire to be a springboard for young pianists' performing music careers in Bergen and the surrounding area. Most of the members are students at the Grieg Academy. The performers present a varied repertoire of music from all over the world.

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Friday 23. february 19.00: Chamber music night
Two trios invite you to a chamber music concert with Beethoven's trio for clarinet, piano and cello as well as Shostakovich's piano trio on the programme.

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Sunday 25. february 14.00: Concert and dance – with guest artist Christian Hinz (double bass)
Composer, pianist and GA alumnus Knut Vaage has brought dancer Karen Eide Bøen and double bass player Christian Hinz to this Sunday matinee. Christian Hinz is currently a guest artist at USF and will perform solo works for double bass. In addition, there will be improvised sequences with all three actors.

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Tuesday 27. february 19.00: Piano concert
Two of professor Einar Røttingens students, Sigrud Mosbakk og Sigbjørn Forland, perform works by Ravel, Haydn, Webern, Sjostakovitsj and Brahms.

Link to Facebook event

Thursday 29. february 18.00 at Bergen off. bibliotek: House concert – Sjostakovitsj special!
This month's house concert at the library is entirely dedicated to the composer Dimitri Shostakovich: Trio for violin, cello and piano no. 1 in C minor, 2 preludes and fugues from opus 87, and "3 wonderful dances" for piano. With violinist Sergio Llorente, cellist Johanna Saaek and pianists Agnes Ônnestad, Elena Dikic and Sigbjørn Forland.

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