Music 2020: Interdisciplinarity, Innovation, Impact

13.06.2017 - 11.00–16.06.2017 - 15.00

Velkommen til "International Music Research Summer School", som blir arrangert i Oslo, juni 2017. Sommerskolen er et samarbeid mellom Grieg Research School (Vestlandet), Norges Musikkhøgskole og Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for musikkvitenskap.

Inviterte foredragsholdere inkluderer:

  • Kenneth Aigen, New York University Steinhardt (USA)
  • Georgina Born, University of Oxford (UK)
  • Jane Davidson, University of Melbourne (Australia)
  • Mine Doğantan-Dack, University of Oxford (UK)
  • Sarah Hibberd, University of Nottingham (UK)
  • Øivind Varkøy, Norwegian Academy of Music (Oslo/Norway)

Music research is increasingly formulated and assessed in terms of the three i´s - interdisciplinarity, innovation and impact. The aim of this event is to consider these concepts and their influence on current practices and policies in music research.

Globally the move from disciplinary specificity to interdisciplinary breadth has become a major trend across academia, but how has such a movement changed thinking in traditional music disciplines? Focusing on musicology, music education, music therapy, and artistic research/arts-based research, this summer school will provide opportunities to present, debate and better understand knowledge production in and between these fields of study.

Innovation and impact have become central concepts in the development of research policy and as criteria for research assessment. Indeed, the biggest EU research funding program, Horizon 2020, binds research to innovation by defining it as an “investment in our future”. How are these, and similar, formulations influencing the way music research is undertaken?  As the three i´s shape intellectual topography, are they creating an environment in which music research can thrive and grow in the years to come?

Social Activities

Tirsdag 13. juni: Mottakelse på ettermiddagen
Onsdag 14. juni: Conference dinner (gratis for alle deltagere)
Torsdag 15. juni: Middag / Kulturelt innslag


Registrering åpner: 1. mars 2017
Registrering lukker: 2. mai 2017
Frist for innsendelse av sammendrag: 3. April 2017


Vi tar i mot sammendrag på max. 350 ord for individuelle presentasjoner på 25 minutter, og konsertforedrag eller workshops på 35 minutter. Sammendrag bes sendes til


Ph.D. kandidater kan oppnå 3 eller 5 ECTS poeng for deltakelse på dette kurset og har muligheten til å presentere under temaet til kurset ELLER sitt eget forskningsprosjekt. Presentasjoner fra kandidater vil motta tilbakemelding fra seniorforskere og kolleger.

Kursavgift: NOK 3000*

*Kurset er gratis for alle ansatte og studenter fra vertsinstitusjoner i Oslo og det regionale nettverket til Grieg Research School. Avgiften inkluderer mottakelse og te/kaffe/frukt i pauser.